Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Feb 17, 2025, 04:21 PM
Preparing for a Performance Evaluation FAQs
When are performance evaluations due to be submitted?
Civil Service employee performance evaluation rating period dates and submission due dates are based on an employee's date in the classification. Notices with position information and due dates are sent to fiscal officers as reminders and to assist with units' own internal tracking records. The university policy for civil service staff performance evaluations states that formal evaluations are required 3 times during a 1-year probationary period and twice during a 6-month probationary period, and shall be completed prior to the end of probation. Formal annual evaluations shall also be required if employee makes such request to their supervisor. Informal evaluation and feedback should be an ongoing activity by supervisors and employees.
Administrative/Professional employee performance evaluations are completed on a calendar year effort. University policy for Administrative/Professional staff states formal annual evaluation process is conducted between January 1 and March 31 of the year following the January 1 through December 31 rating period dates. Notices are not sent for this employment group as all have the same rating period dates and evaluation submission due date. Supervisors are encouraged to meet with newly hired employees within the first three months of employment to review the position description, to communicate his/her job performance expectations, and to establish the optional position specific performance factor which will be rated at the end of the evaluation cycle.
Where do I find performance evaluation forms for civil service and administrative/professional employees?
Where do I find employee information, rating period dates, and evaluation type so I can complete the section at the beginning of the evaluation form?
Units are encouraged to develop and utilize internal tracking records of performance evaluation information for civil service employees in their unit to timely meet performance evaluation deadlines. Receiving a notice is not required in order to complete an employee's evaluation; however, notices are generally sent monthly to fiscal officers of civil service employees in their area as reminders to be shared by the fiscal officer with appropriate supervisors. These notices include Employee Name, Employee AIS #, Position ID, Job Title, Department, Rating Period Start and End Dates, and Type of Evaluation to be completed. If you are the evaluating supervisor and do not receive a copy of this notice, please contact the fiscal officer.
The annual administrative/professional (A/P) employee rating period dates for performance evaluations are based on the calendar year, January 1 through December 31. Notices are not sent; however, reminder information is generally provided early each spring semester to fiscal officers through campus communication. Employee position information may be requested through Labor and Employee Relations if you do not have someone within your unit with AIS access to provide you with this information.
Is a self-evaluation required to be completed by employees?
No, a self-evaluation is not required. If the evaluating supervisor and employee find the self-evaluation to be a useful tool to facilitate discussion, they can agree to use it. If a self-evaluation is completed, it is maintained in the department and is not submitted with, or as, the final evaluation to Labor and Employee Relations.
Do the evaluator and employee meet during the evaluation process?
Completing a Performance Evaluation FAQs
If an employee’s performance falls between two rating options, what do I do?
Is the Position Specific Performance Factor required?
The listed options for the Position Specific Performance Factor for the next rating period are not the best fit for an employee’s position. Can I create one?
As the evaluator, am I required to write comments in the Evaluator Comments section?
Can an employee make comments to include with the evaluation?
Does an employee’s signature mean they agree with the evaluation?
What if an employee refuses to sign the evaluation?
Are all signatures required before submitting the evaluation to Labor and Employee Relations?
To whom are completed and signed performance evaluations submitted?
If an evaluation is submitted by email to Labor and Employee Relations, do I also submit the original to them via campus mail or hand carry?
Is the unit required to provide a copy of the evaluation to the employee?
Special Circumstances for Performance Evaluation FAQs
I have received a notice for an employee who is no longer working in my unit, or who is currently working in my unit but leaving employment at the university. Is a performance evaluation required to be completed?
Yes. The goal is to assure employees receive an evaluation of their work performance for the full rating period or, in the case of an employee who is leaving employment, for their time working at the university during the rating period.
If an employee has moved to another unit on campus, the units in which the employee worked during the rating period work together to develop a combined performance evaluation, or each unit completes an evaluation with the employee for the time the employee is/was employed by each unit during the rating period.
If an employee has resigned, retired, or otherwise no longer works for the university, return the notice to or email Labor and Employee Relations with the employee’s status and last date of employment.
Can a performance evaluation be completed with an employee to provide feedback at times other than the scheduled rating period dates?
Labor and Employee Relations staff are available to assist you with questions and may be reached at (618) 453-6691 or