Official Ethics Act
Last Updated: Feb 17, 2025, 04:19 PM

The Illinois Legislature enacted the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (Ethics Act) (Public Act 93-0617), requiring documentation of time worked by all employees, and other personnel policies. The purpose of this notice is to clarify how Southern Illinois University Carbondale complies with these requirements.
University policies require documentation of employee work time, though work time requirements vary between different employee groups. Southern Illinois University Carbondale policies and procedures provide for periodic reporting and accounting of the accrual and utilization of leave benefits. Leaves must also be reported in accordance with approved guidelines. Requirements of the Ethics Act relate to work time requirements and documentation of time worked. For each category of University employee, the following procedures apply:
- Non-exempt Civil Service staff are required to submit time worked on a bi-weekly or semi-monthly basis, which documents time spent on official State and University business, as well as any leave time. Such leave time cannot be taken in increments less than 1/10 hour.
- Exempt Civil Service staff and A/P staff are required to report time worked on a monthly basis, which documents time spent on official State and University business, as well as any leave time.
- Faculty are required to report sick leave, vacation leave, and other appropriately approved leaves.
- It shall be the responsibility of all Southern Illinois University Carbondale employees to comply with the provisions of the Ethics Act and the work time accountability requirements.
The Ethics Act also requires completion of mandatory annual ethics training.
Questions concerning compliance with the Ethics Act should be directed to the Director of Labor and Employee Relations at 618-453-6691.