Work Time Requirements and Reporting
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The work schedules for staff and faculty are designed to complete the tasks required to fulfill the University’s responsibilities regarding instruction, scholarship, public service, organizational and administrative functions, and all operations required to meet Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s mission.
Unless otherwise required to meet the needs of the University community, normal department office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Work hours for staff and faculty as they pertain to instruction, service, and scholarship, as well as administrative responsibilities, extend throughout the 7-day, 24-hour work week as necessary to maintain operations and to complete the tasks needed to fulfill the university’s mission.
Work schedules applicable to all full-time staff and full-time faculty assume a minimum schedule of 37.5 hours of work per week. Expectations for part-time schedules are assigned proportionately.
The university is guided in its compensation methods by its adherence to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which generally exempts professional and administrative staff and faculty from maintaining specific and limited work hours as necessary to fulfill their assigned responsibilities. It is assumed that administrative and faculty employees normally extend their work week past the 37.5 hour minimum standard.
For the purpose of adhering to Public Act 93-617, Southern Illinois University Carbondale employees are divided into three groups-the FLSA Non-exempt Group, the FLSA Exempt group, and the Faculty Group:
- 1. FLSA Non-Exempt Group
- 2. FLSA Exempt Employees Group
- 3. Faculty Group
This category includes all non-exempt civil service employees of SIU. For these positions, the Documentation of Time Worked requirements of the State Officials and Employees Ethic Act, (Public Act 93-617) shall be fulfilled by adherence to the following SIU policy:
No political activity prohibited by the Public Act 93-617 shall be conducted on University-compensated work time, (other than “vacation, personal or compensatory time off”), or involve the use of University property or resources by any University employee or member of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University.
Nothing in this policy statement prohibits activities that are otherwise appropriate for a University employee or Trustee to engage in as a part of his or her official University duties or activities that are undertaken by a University employee or Trustee on a voluntary basis as permitted by law.
An employee shall not, through his or her position with the Board of Trustees or the university, (a) coerce, command, advise, or solicit anyone to pay, lend, or contribute money or other things of value to any partisan party, committee, organization, agency or person for political purposes; (b) use Board or University funds, resources, or time for any political candidate or partisan purpose other than educational.
Any time utilized during the designated work schedule for activities which fall under the policy stated above shall be recorded on the Absence Request form and the bi-weekly or semi-monthly time recording sheet, with applicable leave or unpaid time recorded on at least a tenth-hour basis and maintained by the applicable fiscal officer for a period of at least three (3) years.